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Invisalign in Colleyville TX

What's Invisalign

What's Invisalign?

Invisalign is a system of clear plastic aligners that are designed to straighten teeth and improve the look of your smile. It’s not uncommon for many patients to forgo orthodontic treatment simply because they don’t want metal brackets and wire braces. With Invisalign, no one will even know you’re wearing braces because of their invisible nature. Invisalign is typically quicker and easier to wear, and it’s ideal for individuals of all ages.

Why might you need Invisalign treatment?


The reason you might need Invisalign treatment is because your teeth are crowded, crooked or you have a problem with malocclusion. Unfortunately, a crowded smile is more than an aesthetic problem. If your teeth are severely crooked or crowded, it can make it difficult to brush and floss them properly. This is why we recommend orthodontic treatment using the Invisalign system.

Woman Putting Transparent Aligner In Teeth

Who is the right candidate for Invisalign?

Invisalign trays need to be worn for most of the day and night, typically about 22 hours a day. They can be removed when eating or brushing your teeth, and this is why they’re often recommended for teens who are able to commit to treatment. Adults will find Invisalign to be beneficial because they won’t need to worry about a mouth full of brackets and wires. You will need to come in to our office in Colleyville for new trays to be made every few weeks.

What happens during Invisalign treatment?

The Invisalign process begins with an exam and consultation that is conducted in our office. We take impressions of your teeth and then use these to make the actual trays that you’ll wear. We provide you with careful instructions on how to replace and remove your Invisalign trays as you wear them at home and on-the-go. You will come in every few weeks so that we can monitor changes to your smile and to have new trays made for you to wear. Invisalign treatment can take anywhere from just a couple of months to a few years to complete.

If you are looking into Invisalign treatment in Colleyville TX and want to learn more, call us today and we can help to answer any questions you may have.

Hand Holding Clear Plastic Retainer Teeth That Isolated On Blue Sky Background. It's An Equipment For Orthodontist Give The Patient To Orthodontic Surgery In Dental Clinic Or Hospital

Want to schedule an Appointment?

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1104 Professional CT, Suite B, Colleyville, TX 76034

