Orthodontist in Queens NY

We want you to love your smile.

Our team is dedicated to making sure you have the best orthodontic experience you could have imagined.

Woman with beautiful smile

High-Quality Orthodontist in Queens, NY

At &align Orthodontics, we do our best to listen to your needs and tailor your treatment plan accordingly. We communicate with both you and the rest of your dental team to make sure you achieve the smile you always wanted!

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Affordable Financing

Our coordinators will discuss insurance benefits, down payment options, and monthly payment plans, so that you can get the smile you always pictured.

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High-Quality Care

We strive for high-quality, ethical clinical care. We aim to satisfy your needs and help you make an informed decision about your orthodontic journey.

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Our goal is to serve the community and build long-lasting relationships with its members. You and your family will leave our office smiling, or we have not done our job.

Meet The Doctor

Meet Dr. Nishat

A board-certified orthodontist in Queens, NY, Dr. Shahabuddin is committed to helping all her patients achieve a brilliant and healthy smile. She has a passion for the esthetic side of dentistry and understands that designing a smile is an art.

Dr. Nishat Shahabuddin

Our Services

For more information on our services, please see the “Our Services” tab.

Dental Monitoring

 If your child does not have all of his or her adult teeth, we are happy to help monitor dental development so that you know how and when to start treatment. We always strive to make sure we are not starting too early or too late, and we do offer early treatment if needed.


In growing individuals, orthopedic treatment can influence growth to improve the bite and jaw function. Sometimes, early intervention with orthopedic treatment can minimize the need for more aggressive treatment options later.  With a little help from you and your child, the results will be incredible!

Adult Orthodontics

There are some similarities between treating children and adults in orthodontics, but also some major differences. Adults often require more careful planning, detailed discussions, and increased communication with other dental providers. We are happy to work with you and the rest of your dental team to make sure you achieve the smile of your dreams.


Retainers are “nighttime for a lifetime,” and we are happy to help provide you with additional or replacement retainers. We are also available to discuss options for fixed (or “permanent”) retention. In some cases, touch-up treatment may be needed prior to placing fixed retainers.

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